lundi 9 mai 2011

CONFERENCE: Re-examining gender in Islam

Speaking in God's Name : Re-examining Gender in Islam

Date: 4th - 5th June 2011
Venue: City Hall, Greater London Authority

"Inspire is holding an innovative two day conference from June 4th - 5th 2011 in City Hall at the Greater London Authority. “Speaking in God’s Name” will challenge dominant conservative views on gender and will strive to provide a contextualised understanding of women relevant for our times and our society.

With high profile scholars and activists from many countries, this conference will be one of the first major national platforms to substantially re-examine our understanding of gender in Islam. By drawing upon their expertise, our panel of scholars, academics and activists will examine the role of religious authority who in the Name of God, have justified the oppression of women or who have empowered women to assert their rights."


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