The volume has just been published and it contains 17 chapters: 7 in Arabic, 6 in French and 4 in English and is edited by Fatima Sadiqi.
Table of contents:
- Introduction: What marginalisation of Women ? (in French), Fatima Sadiqi (International Institute for Languages and Cultures, Fez )
- Single Mothers : Reality and Perspectives (in French), Amina Magdoud (Faculty of Law, Fez )
- Discrimination Against Girls In Democratic Republic of Congo (in French), Annie Maléo N’Durabo (Activist, Democratic Republic of Congo )
- Women and Religion: What Marginalisation? A Study Case on the Mourchidāt in Morocco (in French), Sara Borrillo ( University of Naples , Italy )
- Algiers Shows its Margins : The Mother, the Daughter, and the Prostitute in Viva Laldjérie of Nadir Moknèche (in French), Maya Boutaghou ( Florida International University )
- The Construction of Equality (Where are we ?) (in French), Maria José Moreno Ruiz (GTZ Maroc)
- From Information on Sexuality to Sexual Education in Morocco (in French), Andréane Gagnon ( University of Toronto , Canada )
- Hard-won Progress and a Long Road Ahead: Women’s Rights in the Middle East and North
Africa, Sanja Kelly (The Freedom House, New York )
- Fighting Violence Against Women in Morocco : Theory and Practice, Moha Ennaji (International Institute for Languages and Cultures, Fez )
- The Marginalisation of women in the Moroccan Media, Fatima Sadiqi (International Institute for Languages and Cultures, Fez )
- Lessons from the Strengths of the Marginalized, Oliva M. Espín ( University of San Diego , USA)
- Women on the Margin of Society : The Case of Algeria (in Arabic), Malika Akham ( University of Blida , Algeria )
- The Relationship Between Street Children and Marginalized Women (in Arabic), Hakima Hatri (University Al Qarawiyyin, Fez )
- « Maids » and Social Marginalisation (in Arabic), Zhor Houti (Faculy of Lettrers Fez Saiss)
- Marginalized Women in the Yemeni Society (in Arabic), Afraa Hariri (Activist, Yemen )
- The Marginalisation of Saudi Women (in Arabic), Fawziah Al-Hani (Activist, Saudi Arabia )
- The Rights of Marginalized Women in Islam (in Arabic), Dalila Berraf ( University of Blida, Algeria )
- « Spinsters » Have a Voice (in Arabic), Amel Grami (University Manouba , Tunisia ).
Table of contents:
- Introduction: What marginalisation of Women ? (in French), Fatima Sadiqi (International Institute for Languages and Cultures, Fez )
- Single Mothers : Reality and Perspectives (in French), Amina Magdoud (Faculty of Law, Fez )
- Discrimination Against Girls In Democratic Republic of Congo (in French), Annie Maléo N’Durabo (Activist, Democratic Republic of Congo )
- Women and Religion: What Marginalisation? A Study Case on the Mourchidāt in Morocco (in French), Sara Borrillo ( University of Naples , Italy )
- Algiers Shows its Margins : The Mother, the Daughter, and the Prostitute in Viva Laldjérie of Nadir Moknèche (in French), Maya Boutaghou ( Florida International University )
- The Construction of Equality (Where are we ?) (in French), Maria José Moreno Ruiz (GTZ Maroc)
- From Information on Sexuality to Sexual Education in Morocco (in French), Andréane Gagnon ( University of Toronto , Canada )
- Hard-won Progress and a Long Road Ahead: Women’s Rights in the Middle East and North
Africa, Sanja Kelly (The Freedom House, New York )
- Fighting Violence Against Women in Morocco : Theory and Practice, Moha Ennaji (International Institute for Languages and Cultures, Fez )
- The Marginalisation of women in the Moroccan Media, Fatima Sadiqi (International Institute for Languages and Cultures, Fez )
- Lessons from the Strengths of the Marginalized, Oliva M. Espín ( University of San Diego , USA)
- Women on the Margin of Society : The Case of Algeria (in Arabic), Malika Akham ( University of Blida , Algeria )
- The Relationship Between Street Children and Marginalized Women (in Arabic), Hakima Hatri (University Al Qarawiyyin, Fez )
- « Maids » and Social Marginalisation (in Arabic), Zhor Houti (Faculy of Lettrers Fez Saiss)
- Marginalized Women in the Yemeni Society (in Arabic), Afraa Hariri (Activist, Yemen )
- The Marginalisation of Saudi Women (in Arabic), Fawziah Al-Hani (Activist, Saudi Arabia )
- The Rights of Marginalized Women in Islam (in Arabic), Dalila Berraf ( University of Blida, Algeria )
- « Spinsters » Have a Voice (in Arabic), Amel Grami (University Manouba , Tunisia ).
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