Diogenes, "Current Perspectives on Gender Studies", n° 225. Diogenes. An International Journal in the Humanities. Editors: Maurice Aymard & Luca Maria Scarantino. Guest editor: Nicole G. Albert
Table of Contents:
Table of Contents:
- . Nicole G. Albert: Genre and Gender. An Interdisciplinary Epistemological Tool
- . Joan Wallach Scott: Gender: Still a Useful Category of Analysis?
- . Tanella Boni: Wounded Bodies, Recovered Bodies: Discourses Around Female Sexual Mutilations
- . Madeline H. Caviness: Feminism, Gender studies, and Medieval Studies
- . Moha Ennaji: Multiculturalism, Gender and Political Participation in Morocco
- . Sirma Bilge: Recent Feminist Outlooks on Intersectionality
- . Boutheina Cheriet: The Ambiguous State: Gender and Citizenship as Barter in Algeria
- . Françoise Collin: Between Poiesis and Praxis: Women and Art
- . Morny Joy: The Impact of Gender on Religious Studies
- . Geneviève Sellier: Gender Studies and Film Studies in France: Steps Forward and Back
- . Thierry Hoquet: Is Sociobiology Amendable? Feminist and Darwinian Women Biologists Confront the Paradigm of Sexual Selection
- . Susanne Lettow: Bio-Technosciences in Philosophy: Challenges and Perspectives for Gender Studies in Philosophy
- . Patrick Cardon: Post-Queer: In Defense of a ‘Trans-Gender Approach’ or Trans-Gender as an Analytical Category
- . Nathalie Ernoult and Catherine Gonnard: Intersecting Views on the Exhibition “elles@centrepompidou”
- . Book review: Patrick Cardon, Discours littéraires et scientifiques fin-de-siècle. Autour de Marc-André Raffalovich (Mathieu Faria).
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