jeudi 31 janvier 2013

Muslim CFP: Women in Change: Aspirations, Desire and Leisure

Call for paper (panel title): Muslim Women in Change: Aspirations, Desire and Leisure
47th Annual Meeting of the Middle East Studies Association, October 10-13, 2013, New Orleans, Louisiana

The focus of this panel is on the contemporary relationships Muslim women build with global trends, including those related to their body image and health, and the ways in which such relationships are related to their subjectivation, agency and desire. The concept of desire is increasingly used to refer to global trends, including new lifestyles, new ways of being, new consumption patterns and new ways of engaging with the world. These trends are often generally labeled as modernity, but actually are new ways of thinking about the self in relation to the world. Thus, the panel aims to explore non-pious forms of self-making, such as those involving body-making, dressing, entertainment, sports, fashion, and consumption and the ways in which such forms are built and shaped by women in relation to health concerns, and familial, religious, and national obligations.By using ethnographic cases and historical perspectives from the Middle East, North America and Europe, this panel aims to enable discussions about different theoretical ways of analyzing changing forms of self-aspirations in Muslim groups.

Contributions from diverse methods, theoretical traditions, and social science disciplines are encouraged. Papers that examine Islamic and secular debates in the Muslim world and in social sciences concerning Muslim women’s changing habits, leisure, and public sexuality are also welcome.Please submit abstracts (300-400 words) to Sertaç Sehlikoglu, Deadline : 9th February

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