Women and mobile intimacy in an age of social media and affective technology Special issue of Feminist Media Studies (Dec 2012) Edited by Larissa Hjorth & Sun Sun Lim
In the burgeoning of emotional, affective labour by the rise of ICTs (Information and Communication Technologies) and the rise of public and private intimacies by and through social media, what does it mean to speak of "mobile intimacy" today? In a world aflux with mobile, ubiquitous technologies how are various forms of mobility (and immobility) across temporal, spatial, geographic, economic, socio-cultural and technological differences transforming how we experience and define intimacy? One thing remains certain - these practices are informed by gender and cultural context.
Extant research suggests that women's relationships with mobile technology are fraught with contradictions. As women domesticate mobile technologies and employ their routine-altering affordances, they seek to strike balances between aid-liability, autonomy-dependency, contactability-intrusiveness and intimacy-distance. The very affordances that give women the freedom to sustain intimate, boundary-transcending relationships are the same ones that impel women to create distances between themselves and their significant others. Even as mobile technologies enable women to traverse temporal, spatial and geographic barriers, women are not always prepared to have these barriers dismantled, particularly as they may be averse to there being too much intimacy. With the advent of mobile technologies, the social roles ascribed to women - of daughter, sister, mother, friend and teacher - have to be performed through these always accessible and potentially disruptive platforms, thus intens
ifying the burden of these responsibilities. How then do women strategically deploy technology so that they can maintain a sense of self, while ceding some parts of their lives to the obligations and joys of "mobile intimacy?"
Please submit a 350-word abstract and abridged CV to both larissa.hjorth@rmit.edu.au and sunlim@nus.edu.sg later than May 1, 2011.Extant research suggests that women's relationships with mobile technology are fraught with contradictions. As women domesticate mobile technologies and employ their routine-altering affordances, they seek to strike balances between aid-liability, autonomy-dependency, contactability-intrusiveness and intimacy-distance. The very affordances that give women the freedom to sustain intimate, boundary-transcending relationships are the same ones that impel women to create distances between themselves and their significant others. Even as mobile technologies enable women to traverse temporal, spatial and geographic barriers, women are not always prepared to have these barriers dismantled, particularly as they may be averse to there being too much intimacy. With the advent of mobile technologies, the social roles ascribed to women - of daughter, sister, mother, friend and teacher - have to be performed through these always accessible and potentially disruptive platforms, thus intens
ifying the burden of these responsibilities. How then do women strategically deploy technology so that they can maintain a sense of self, while ceding some parts of their lives to the obligations and joys of "mobile intimacy?"
IMPORTANT DATES Deadline for abstracts 1 May 2011
Decisions to authors 15 May 2011
First drafts 1 December 2011
Decisions 15 February 2012
Second/final drafts 1 June 2012
Final proofs 1 August 2012
Issue publication 1 December 2012
For guidelines on how to submit a paper to Feminist Media Studies please visit: http://www.tandf.co.uk/journals/rfms
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